I have been and always will be a math nerd. Anything involving numbers or systems is where I come alive (in addition to the desert for some reason). From finance to theology to music, I find excitement in order and in the creation of order. I graduated from college with a degree in mathematics, after which I attended seminary with the intention of becoming a priest. After 5 years of study, I discerned it wasn’t my calling, but I left with an enriching experience under my belt and a master’s in systematic theology. This propelled me into a 12-year career in church ministry, which was a privilege and full of more adventure than I ever anticipated.


I’ve been married to the love of my life, Jonna, for the past 10 years. Together, we enjoy hiking, exploring new places, coffee-and-pastry dates, discussing the deep things of life, and working hilarious quotes from our favorite shows into everyday conversation. We also share a passion for investing in people and helping them become the best version of themselves – joyful, confident, and free. To that end, we created Catholic Revival Ministries, which provides teaching & mentoring to those who desire to grow both personally and spiritually.

Pivots & aspirations

I’ve always been drawn to the world of business alongside the world of ministry, and surprisingly, I’ve found a great deal of overlapping principles in both – things like acting with honesty and integrity, investing in people, and creating value. I’ve discovered that the same values I cherished based on my religious convictions were the very things that caused businesses to thrive. Based on this recognition, paired with a love for all things leadership and an innate wiring for the trellis work that makes systems run, I decided a few years ago to make a career pivot. Beginning with a growth in learning & connection, leading me to a job in accounting, and culminating in the completion of a data science training program, I’ve now embarked on a career in technology and data engineering.